This time last week I was at the dentist for my bi-annual floss lecture teeth cleaning. I’m one of those odd people who actually kinda likes going to the dentist. I enjoy the squeaky-clean feel of my teeth after I leave. I’m pretty much good with the good ole tooth doctor as long as it’s not x-ray day. I loathe x-ray day. They cover you with body armor, shove stuff in your mouth, then flee the vicinity like they know a hangry lion is… Read more »
Posts Tagged: rambling

Highchair Hijinks
Psst – Today is the last day to enter to win 5 boxes of KIND bars & tickets to a special event at the Zoo! Read full details here or just upload a pic of something KIND and tag it with #okmommakind and #kindawesome. We had ourselves a lovely (albeit rainy & dreary) little weekend. Saturday, my mother-in-law came in town. Let me be clear: G is one LOVED little girl. She suffers from “first grandchild on both sides”… Read more »

The Party Never Stops and the Jet Lag Never Ends
Well. Not much to report here except HOLY RAIN, BATMAN. G had a midday doctors appointment and it took me a sweet forever to get there due to the torrential rains. I’m considering building an ark. Bright spot of the day was passing my husband in the first floor of our office building after texting him “Order me tacos!” and he said “Ordered and paid for! I got you three. I know you like to eat!” Wuv. Twue wuv. Also:… Read more »