Pictures of my children together and looking at the camera are not a thing. What are they looking at here? I don’t know. A squirrel? A single blade of grass? Anything but the crazy lady trying to get your attention for a photo.
As I’ve said in the past, blogging is a winter sport.
I’m posting less frequently for a few reasons:
1. Did you know that summer increases your laundry by 783 percent?
It does. You’d think that all the winter clothes would outweigh the summer clothes but DO NOT BE FOOLED. The dirt my children accumulate on their summer clothes is unreal. Add in swimsuits. And beach towels. And the daily rinsing of my daughter’s shoes because she brings home the ENTIRE sand box in them every day.
Laundry is my second full time job. I want a raise.
2. This kid.

This innocent face is all a ruse.
He’s crawling now. And pulling up. So basically I’m on suicide watch for him from the moment he opens his eyes until the moment I convince him that going to bed is a solid life choice. He’s also putting anything and everything he can find in his mouth which is SUPER fun for all of us considering the number of barbie shoes that end up strewn around the living room floor. Why do all of my three year old’s toys involve teeny tiny pieces? I throw the tiny pieces away on the reg and the multiply when we’re sleeping.
I’ve lamented this on Instagram already, but it’s worth noting again that he took the door stopper OFF THE WALL and was gnawing on it the other day.

It’s fine. I’m fine. I’ve cleaned that thing exactly never. Better for the immune system though, right?
We love summer. We love playing outside til dusk then sending our kids to bed good and exhausted. The result there is that I’m often falling in bed good and exhausted myself.
So for now, HAGS (middle school year books, anyone?) You can keep up with our summer shenanigans on Instagram (my favorite of all the social medias – gimme ALL the pretty pictures!) and sharing things that make me laugh on the internet on Facebook.
I’ll check in again later. Ish.